Copper sulphate

Copper Sulfate (Medical Grade  ) 

Copper Sulfate is pretty much an all-around treatment.  It is an Algaecide, meaning that it kills Algae, it is Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, works on external Protozoa such as Ich, and works on Oodinium, Sliminess of the skin, and kills certain parasites such as Cryptocaryon Irritans (Salt water Ich) and Crustacea (Argulus).  It also works as a great preventative treatment for most all fish, freshwater or saltwater.  We used to use it on Gill Flukes years ago, but now, the Gill Flukes have become resistant to this treatment.


Stock solution= 21 grams of Copper Sulfate + 21 grams of Citric Acid Crystals to 1 pint of distilled water.  Shake well.  Use 1 drop per every gallon of aquarium water= .15ppm.  Why use Citric Acid with Copper?  Simple, it sequesters the solution to make it stable.  Copper does not readily dissolve in water.  The Citric Acid helps it to dissolve completely and prevent Copper levels from bouncing around.

Safe levels are .15ppm to .20ppm.  Any higher may burn the fish and leave them with red sores on their sides.  It is very important to use a Copper test kit when medicating with this product.


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